Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mistakes We Knew We Were Making

You know what one of the worst feelings is? Guilt. Unlike other feelings, the guilt you feel is often a result from your own actions and wrong doings. Things that are often in your control, and therefore, your responsibility. The worst part about guilt is that no matter how many times you replay a situation in your head, you cannot change what happened. In hindsight, you realize what should have happened, but there is no way to undo what has already been done. A scene can replay in your head, for days, months or years like a bad dream.

So, my personal remedy for this? Simple. Live with no regrets. We all make mistakes, trust me, I know, but we shouldn't dwell on them. Because, really, what's the point in doing that? At this point, you can't change the situation. But, what you can change is how you act the next time. I am a huge believer in learning from your mistakes.

Guilt is beneficial because it is what keeps us in check. We might think that something we do is right, or acceptable, our feelings tell us that it is not. So, even when our judgment might be skewed, our guilt is there to bring us crashing back to earth.

Make mistakes. It's inevitable. Just take a breath, recollect, learn, move on and become better.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sunny With a High of Seventy-Five.

The other day it occurred to me that I haven't blogged in awhile. I guess this is just because I haven't had much to say. I tend to write in times of unease, and I just haven't felt recently. Amazing? The answer, Yes.

I'm at a place in my life where I haven't been in a long while. A place where I am content beyond all belief. I am so happy and grateful for everything and everyone in my life right now, and there is no place else I'd rather be. I'm overwhelmed with feelings of...peace, and at times, I just find myself smiling. This feeling probably won't last for long, because it never seems to. But, for now, I just want to enjoy it.

"It's funny how you enjoy your life when your happy to be alive..."