Saturday, January 10, 2009

Days of the Cold

Six days down and only...9 more weeks to go?! It seems like such a long time, but from what I hear it goes quick. I hope that those rumors are true. I absolutely love school and my so called "home away from home", but actually being home was amazing. For the first time in a long time I completely felt like myself. I was with the people I care about most in this whole world, almost all of which I felt like I grew closer to in those three short weeks. That's a good way to look at it, just multiply Christmas break by 3! It went by so fast, that it makes me think that I will be back home in no time!
A lot of people who live relatively close to school go home almost every weekend. However, I like not being able to do that, it just makes things harder. I need to be away from the things and people I love because when I finally have them back, I being to love them even more. I guess absence really does make the heart grow fonder.
I feel like I am really finding a place here, and it makes me feel great. That feeling ensures me that I am in the right place, and that this is what I'm supposed to be doing, no matter how stressful it can be (and trust me, it is).
So, nine weeks may seem like an impossible 63 days to get through, but its something I'm ready to face head on, and enjoy as much as I possibly can. Let's just hope that I don't turn into an ice cube before March 19th =]

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