Sunday, January 18, 2009

Skeptics and True Believers.

I've always had my...I guess you could call them "theories" about life, that I have created in my head and firmly believed in. Everyone creates different realities for themselves, and we all look at the world differently. I find it amazing that we can all think something completely different, yet all believe we are right. Part of the beauty of living, or perhaps one of the scariest things about it, is that we may never figure out what it all means.

Fate, destiny, luck, good it whatever you want, but I believe in it. Some people do not want to believe that we have a predetermined path that we are supposed to follow in our lives, but it is one belief I hold that can get me through almost any tough situation. People think that having this so called "path" means that we as human beings do not have the freedom to choose, and create the lives that we want for ourselves. But, I don't believe that. I think that we do have the ability to live our lives the way we want, but that this want is what we are supposed to choose. The way I describe it seems like I am talking myself in a circle, but it makes sense in my head.

As I was walking through the Tecero dorm area today, I was stepping through the grass, looking at the bulidings. I was wondering which one I would have lived in had I been assigned to live there, as it was my first choice on my housing application. Crazy. What if I did live there? How different would my life be? I wouldn't be friends with the people I am friends with now...I probably wouldn't even know that they existed.

Everything happens for a reason. The people that come into your life are there for a reason. Nothing is random. You learn things from everyone you come into contact with, even if you don't realize iti at the time...or ever. The boy I like just broke up with me. He wasen't the one for you. I didn't get into the school of my dreams. You weren't meant to be there. Take a deep breath, and realize that there is something better out there, and let it go.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I'd have to say I agree with you for majority of the things you said. Nicely written, by the way.
    I love you and miss you.
